Stories and Videos about Radford and Destroyers

Look below to find links to the stories and videos compiled by Mike Nave over the past several years. There are some great overviews of the evolution of the destroyer, including the Fletcher Class Destroyer, and a series of videos Mike has assembled of life aboard Radford. Enjoy!! We also added a video of the U.S.S. Radford Museum visited during the 2008 Reunion in Newcomerstown, Ohio, produced by ET2 Walt Shuman, and edited by Mike Nave. Be sure to stay tuned at the end for an interview with RADM George Wagner, ret., who served on the Radford in the early 60s.

This Destroyer Did Us Proud Through Three Wars

USS Radford: A History

Deliverance at Kula Gulf–Vane Scott

Radford: A Short History

Radford Memories: From the Early 60s

Radford Memories: From the Mid to Late 60s

Underway Replenishment and DASH Operations

Fletcher Class Destroyers Brief

The Evolution of U.S. Navy Destroyers: A Complete Guide

A Short Commercial Break: A Tribute to All Veterans

Aging is a Wonderful Journey

2008 Reunion visit to the U.S.S. Radford Museum and Interview with RADM George Wagner, ret.